Frequently Asked Questions

How can I be sure you are neurodiversity affirming?

We are committed to honouring the experience of neurodiverse people. Our team lives and breathes neurodiversity. Our lived experience is the driver behind wanting to do the absolute best for the people we care about. We listen to and validate the voices of neurodiverse people and constantly strive to educate ourselves on how we can support the people we work with in an affirming way. We are committed to continual growth through ongoing professional development, through carefully curated affirming providers.

Do we use identity first or person first language?

The language and words we choose to use are extremely important and convey not only intent, but they represent our values and beliefs. When referring to an Autistic person, we choose to stand with Autistic voices and use identity first language. You also won’t hear us using the acronym “ASD” because Autistic people are not a disorder. Want more info? Click this link below.

Autism: identity or person first language? | Raising Children Network

Are you inclusive of LGBTIQA+ experience?

Yes! With neurodivergent people being significantly more like to identify as part of the LGBTIQA+ community, we aim to create a safe space for people of all genders and sexualities. We understand that intersectionality can be complex and that every person has different life experiences and needs. We want everyone to be able to embrace their own identity and are committed to supporting that journey.

Can I use my NDIS funding?

You sure can! If you or your child are a self-managed NDIS participant, we provide tax invoices for all services provided.

Can I book a one-off support sessions?

Absolutely. While we do have clients who have regular appointments, we are more than happy to offer one-off sessions where availability allows. Please use our contact page to enquire about available appointments.

I want to book an appointment, attend a group or enquire about professional development or consulting. What now?

Easy Peasy! Just head to our Contact page, input your details, and we will be in touch shortly.

Do you offer emergency crisis support?

We do not offer emergency crisis support. Please click here to see a list of services that can help you.